[EASY] How To Grow Your Fitness Instagram Account in 2021

The 2021 Ultimate Guide On How To Grow A Fitness Instagram Account

With over 800 million Instagram users worldwide, you might be wondering how you can get a huge following for your fitness page. In this digital era, most individuals resort to social media platforms to stay fit, keep themselves motivated and interact with others in the fitness community. It also inspires people to lose weight, change their lifestyle and eat healthily. 

Here comes the daunting question: how do you get this potential fitness crowd to follow your fitness page?

Keep scrolling to find out how you can market and grow your fitness Instagram handle, increase your followers and keep your audience engaged with each post.

What Are The Goals And Objectives Of Your Fitness Profile?

Before you create a fitness profile, you need to figure out what you wish to accomplish through your account. Like your fitness goals, you need to consider your account’s marketing goals to help it grow over time. In addition to the follower count, you also need to analyze the impact your page will create in the long run. 

Only once the goals and objectives are sorted out will you post incredible and unique content targeting your potential audience. Re-purpose and be specific on what fitness objectives you’re planning to promote. 

For instance, are you planning to focus on anti-aging problems or how to stay fit and healthy post-surgery? Or will you be promoting diet plans and fitness routines for pregnant women and post-pregnancy programs?

Once you know the specific track you will be taking, you will convey the message to the public and tailor your posts accordingly. 

How To Create An Attractive Fitness Account on Instagram?

Now that your goals and objectives are sorted out, it’s time to create a fitness Instagram account that easily attracts people’s attention.

Here are certain aspects you need to make sure that your fitness Instagram account contains:

An Incredible Profile Picture.

Ensure that your fitness profile has a professional business logo if you are a professional trainer and business-oriented. Else opt for a good clarity professional headshot as the profile picture. The ideal size must be 180 x 1 80 pixels. To prevent people from thinking it’s fake, avoid using too much filter on your photos.

A Clear And Concise Bio.

Your Instagram account bio showcases who you are, where you are located at and what content your audience can expect. Include keywords related to you and those that are most searched for fitness, along with catchy phrases. 

Link Your Profile.

If you happen to have a fitness blog or website, please include that in your profile. This will keep your followers aware of where to go for more information. If you do not have any external links, go ahead and put up popular YouTube videos or ebooks. 

Lastly, you need to make sure your account is public. Only then will you be able to connect with the fitness community at large and pop up in the hashtag groups and search results. 

Does Your Content Matter On Instagram?

Absolutely! If you create professional and engaging content, you’re sure to get a huge number of followers. Irrelevant content can be boring and keep people from following your account.

When you create content for your account, you need to plan and think well about what will be more appealing to your existing and potential followers. To excel at this, include captivating captions, stunning high clarity images, and use the hashtag Strategy. Take the time to do careful research and analysis in building your account, make it beneficial and interesting for the audience. Only then will you gain real and loyal followers.

Know Your Ideal Followers And Create A Fitness Niche.

If you want your potential audience to note your page, you need to follow other popular fitness pages and interact with the followers there. Besides, following fitness brands with a similar audience with active content will give you more ideas to generate incredible posts and engage with the fitness community at large.

However, never follow popular pages and then unfollow them later. You won’t be able to grow by using such mean techniques. People will get to know your real intentions if you practice such methods.

Once you have figured out your ideal audience, you will create a fitness niche. Remain focused on your specific niche – be it Martial arts, kickboxing, or weight training. 

Why Should You Always Opt For High-Quality Photos And Videos?

Instagram happens to be a social media platform that gives more importance to visuality. Here, blurry and vague images do not give any aesthetic appeal and are not going to work. The hard reality is you need to post beautifully curated fitness pictures to attract more individuals. Take the time to invest in getting a high-quality camera to take professional-level images and videos.          

Here are some factors you need to keep in mind while posting pictures or videos:

Good Lighting Effects.

The next integral part of taking amazing pictures or videos is quality lighting effects. Though it may not be easy to find good lighting in a gym, try to find a specific spot that will help capture the moment. Investing in a good quality phone ring light, lightboxes or GoPros will enable you to capture the pictures well. 

Show The Face.

Make it a point to include your face in all or most of your photos. The key highlight of having photos of faces is that it helps your followers get inspired and connect with you. So look at the camera and smile, and increase your engagement while capturing the moment.

Display Before and After Images.

This is one of the best marketing strategies that is commonly used by most popular Instagram fitness influencers. This is a valid proof of how your clients will benefit by following your fitness coaching and training. They will be able to view the progress for themselves. This, in turn, will attract the potential audience and persuade them to click on the follow button on your page. 

Why Is It Essential To Use The Best Photo Editing App?

If you wish to add that extra effect to your photos or make them more appealing, you may have to use a good photo editing app. A certain amount of editing before you put up your posts on Instagram will deliver incredible results. 

It will also help in turning those low-quality images into better professional ones. Some of the best external photo editing you will come across includes:

  • VSCO. 
  • PicTapGo. 
  • Snapseed. 
  • Aviary. 
  • Afterlight. 

You will come across numerous apps to choose from, and the best part is – most are free of charge! Using photo editor apps like Layout provided by Instagram will help you create incredible collages using your fitness images. In addition to that, you can also opt for reels or mini videos by Boomerang that keeps running in loops. 

Final Thoughts

Now that you are aware of all the essential factors to grow and generate a huge following for your fitness Instagram account make sure to practice consistency on your page. For this, you need to schedule a specific time to review your account, engage with your audience, and schedule posts. By reviewing your Instagram fitness profile, you will evaluate what works for you and what needs alterations. 

Besides, paying attention to the post that garnered more likes and the hashtags that worked well will help you scale your next post and achieve the goals you’re aiming for.     

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